One of the alternatives used in the reduction of the volume of the solid residuals. It is about a process, also well-known as reciclaje that consists basically on using materials that were discarded again and that they are still capable to elaborate other products or refabricar the same ones. Good examples of recyclable materials are the metals, the glass, the paper or the piles, the plastic of the one which us ocupamps us..
For that to Recycle
They are many the reasons to recycle: resources are saved, he/she diminishes the contamination, he/she lengthens the life of the materials although it is with different uses, it is possible to save energy, the deforestation is avoided, he/she decreases 80% of the space that occupy the waste when transforming into garbage, it can diminish the payment of having imposed by concept of gathering of garbage and at the same time it is generated employment and wealth. |
For that to Opt for Us
We are an excellence company focused in participating actively to the sustainable development of our country, we look for in all moment to be competitive and to offer the best service, and to provide him/her a recycled product of the but high quality, to satisfy the necessities that our clients demand, also that to contribute to the creation of a culture for the protection of the environment. |
Documents that it Supports us as Company Recycle:
Expidió: Secretaria del Medio Ambiente
para el Desarrollo Sustentable (SEMADES)
Fecha: Sep/ 2011.
Concepto: Autorización para el acopio de residuos de manejo especial.
Expidió: Secretaria del Medio Ambiente
para el Desarrollo Sustentable (SEMADES)
Fecha: Sep/ 2011.
Concepto: Autorización para la recolección de residuos de manejo especial. |
Deposit their trust in us
At the moment we offer the service of gathering of plastic waste, to Bottling, located in diverse states of the Republic, such as: Colima, Nayarit, Veracruz, Sinaloa, Aguascalientes, State of Mexico, Toluca, Puebla and Jalisco.
We Have National and International Clients. Our Exports have mainly as destinations; to Hong Kong, Brazil, Colombia, Canada and Spain. |